Re: Digitized!

From: Georgie Hinklemyer <> <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 05:05:00 -0000

Rough price estimate. The films I remember are (in no particular order):

* Feeding Frenzy (apx 20 mins)
* The Spy Film (apx 30 mins)
* Jack the Yak (apx 10 mins)
* Tug of War and other high school "activities" (30 mins??)
* Lieutenant Polumbo's murder mystery at UCLA (apx 30 mins)
* Murder in Vein (apx 30 mins)
* The Juggler (apx 15 mins)
* Reunion in San Francisco (30 mins???)
* Misc other stuff I can't think of (give it about 1 hour)

Assuming the values above, that's about 15,300 seconds of film. If a standard 8mm film runs at 36 feet/second (rate found on the internet; not verified) that's about 551,000 feet of film.

Times 20c ~ $1100.00.

Divide by 10 Olives...? Hmmm. Maybe a culling would be appropriate. But which ones to leave out?
By the way, who has the originals? ALL of them?

--- In,
"tschibasch <tschibasch_at_y...>" <tschibasch_at_y...> wrote:
> FYI: If the cost is $0.20 per foot, then we are looking at a very
> large bill for even one film. Witht that said, I would love to have
> everything digitized, since the film itself will not last forever.
> John
Received on 2003-01-23 21:05:04

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