Re: RKC - Programming help
--- In, "Hiram Gonash"
<okfreddy_at_h...> wrote:
> The program is designed to create a visual representation of an
> employee's career movement through JPL.
Ah - yes, that looks like a fairly standard employee career
promotion matrix. I believe I can see a few options...
> 25 ;"12>"
s/b: 25 ;"<12>"
> 31 X=RND(-1)
This line is redundant... it's merely slowing down your calcs.
> 268 DATA 1,-1,1,0,1,1,0,-1,0,0,0,1,-1,-1,-1,0,-1,1
I believe our career path advancement matrix at work is:
268 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
You could try replacing that line for several years until
things stablize.
> 1010 GOSUB 8000
s/b 1010 GOTO 8000
I believe this is one of your major problems, each "GOSUB"
is really meant to be completed by a "RETURN", whereas
you are simply starting the next career segment. Given
several succesful segment completions, the career path may
overflow the stack and the employee will be forced to
begin again. Messy, but should a VP suddenly be "promoted"
back to mailroom, well, there may be some hard feelings.
> 2010 GOSUB 8000
s/b 2010 GOTO 8000
(as above)
> 3400 GOTO 8000
(See -- THIS one was correct!)
Hmm.. Maybe I need to get out more.
Still, 10 minutes private consulting for JPL,
at $5,000/hour, with a minimum of 4 hours...
...where should I send the invoice?
Received on 2003-12-10 22:36:37
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