Cassini's arrival at Saturn!

From: Georgie Hinklemyer <>
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 03:41:19 -0000

So what's a Cassini, you may ask? Cassini is the last Great Project
of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. A Giant of a space probe, launched
off toward Saturn in October 1997. Almost two stories tall, packed
with instruments and cameras, already discovering new things about
Saturn and everything between there and here, with a 6-foot diameter
detachable disk which will be dropped onto Titan, the "smoggy" moon
for lots of studying. (The metal "curtains" on the main spacecraft
were my contribution to Cassini.)

You can check out Cassini's progress at

But that's not all. How about a party to celebrate Cassini's arrival
at the first (outermost) moon, Phoebe? Arrival date is June 11, so
the party will be on June 12 at the Ozzy Zoo in Chatsworth. BBQ will
be available, and so will tons of stuff to munch on, but please bring
a little something to eat or drink (potluck) anyway.

Party begins at 3:21.......blast off!

(Almost) everyone is invited, kids' and adults' friends welcome.

Sorry, no aliens.
Received on 2004-05-12 20:43:00

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