Re: Topic for discussion: getting along

From: Georgie Hinklemyer <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 14:00:48 -0000

--- In, "debadger"
<debadger_at_p...> wrote:
> And this would be.... who? Don't stop now!
> ...I think I've only heard one host who will not only allow an
> opposing viewpoint in, but calmly and logically discuss the matter,
> until reaching the point of, "We agree to disagree."
> --G.H.

Dennis Prager. Shame I can't listen to him any more. He's on at 9 am
and was very civil to everyone, regardless of the topic or vehemence.

> I agree, the "discussions" that are simply rants from both extremes
> useless. Worse than useless. One yells that "Black is white!" the
> screams that "No, White is black!" And the object of contention is
sort of
> speckled mauvy blue...
> Elena

I like listening to opposing viewpoints. It challenges my own and I
have to pull back and ask why I think that way. Sometimes it changes
my opinion, and sometimes it reinforces it.

Received on 2004-06-30 07:02:04

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