Post Oscars Depression, er Celebration

From: Georgie Hinklemyer <>
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2005 07:40:12 -0000

Well, the first annual "Olivies" was successful. We proved that a
large variety of formats may be shown to over a dozen people in an
evening with only one casualty. (Deb's dad fell asleep some time
during the second movie.)

There was a mild showing of Olive members: just DC, JJT, and Sue/Mark
as well as me & Ozzy. But with the kids (and some grandparents), it
was a lively enough group.

The potluck dinner was delicious. In fact, we were eating something
almost all night long. We started with several cups of hot mint tea,
harvested exclusively for us by three Oz Boys that morning. (They cut
enough mint for THREE HUGE pots of tea; two of which we downed.) Then
came dinner: several vegetarian dishes, both hot and cold, and a very
juicy turkey to round things out. Seven microwave bags of popcorn,
three flavors of ice cream (don't forget the chocolate syrup!) and a
fine bottle of Chardonnay (although that was closer to dinner than
dessert). You never starve at an Ozzy Zoo party.

It took a while for DC to set up the reel-to-reel, and there was
cabling all over the floor, but we did manage to see a lot of a 1990's
Idylwild cabin trip (including Paul/Kate/William Lockhart,
Janine/Docelle, Jon Mandel, a few Endertons, and even Biz) as a
teaser. Then the "real" show started.

We viewed the 8mm version of "Sealed and Delivered," starring almost
every Olive you can think of, followed by a VHS of "Feeding Frenzy,"
the amazing 15-minute film which was completely recorded between
midnight and 2 am on an Arrowhead cabin trip. 5-year-old Ryan noted
that all the people who did bad stuff in both films got killed. (He
has a very highly tuned sense of what's right and what's wrong, that
kid.) The last "official" movie of the evening was a rough Director's
Cut of Alabama Adam and the Golden Gizmo of Gadzooks, plugged in
directly from the computer in MPEG format. Then some sledding films
from the President's Day weekend cabin trip at Pine Mountain this
year. And, of course after almost everyone else had left, we had to
show more old Idylwild cabin trips with much sledding and snowball
fights and feasts and music and hearts games and East German Border
Guard uniforms, and did I mention snowball fights?

All were shown on the Silver Screen, aka an old roll-up movie screen
from Deb's folks. Also, thanks to her folks, we had a really neat
plug-and-play projector to throw everything (else) onto the screen so
we didn't have to crowd around a tiny TV set/computer monitor.

We had a great time. What would you like to see next year the week
after the Oscars are finally over?
Received on 2005-03-06 23:40:13

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