Major Decision

From: Hiram Gonash <>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 06:11:44 -0000

I've reached that time in my life when I look at what I have, what I
want, where I've been, and where I want to go.

After long and painful self inspection combined with deep and
heartfelt talks with Debbie about how my decision could and will
affect our family and irrevocably alter our future together, it is
with no small amount of nervousness that I announce that I'm seriously
considering going with John to North Korea.

Really! It's a matter of choice. We can live a life holed up in our
self-designed fortresses, venturing out to wallow weekly in the
shit-filled work rut, counting the years until retirement, or we can
grab life by the cajones and yell "What else ya got Bastards? Gimme it

John wants to go to fulfill his fetish for acquiring uniforms. I want
to go because it's there and not here. Nuff said.
Received on 2006-12-20 22:13:58

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