Okay, Kids.
I have the CD for Keith's/Paul's/Jack's/Alex's/Greg's/Jan's band. I haven't
priced copies yet, of course . . . but it is, naturally, a collector's item.
One would expect to pay a premium for such a thing.* And when you consider
the blackmail value, well . . . it basically pays for itself.
The "tape hiss" isn't quite as bad as I had feared it would be. The singing
. . . well, when you guys are good, your're great. When you're bad, you're
better. But Paul, Greg, Jack and Jan put their hearts/balls/ovaries into it,
which is lovely.
But what the fuck was that Donovan song? I put the original documentation
somewhere that I knew I could find it again, but . . . life is full of
uncertainty, no?
Maybe I'll just make seven copies of this motherfucker, and (having given
Jack his free copy) open the bidding...
* Of course, I'm terribly sentimental and stuff. And sensitive. Kind of a
delicate flower. Like a Venus flytrap.
[Well, seriously: send your orders in. I'll mail it to you at my cost. Now I
just have to figure out how to dupe that VHS of *Wild in the Streets . . .*]
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 7:52 AM, jack Watt <jacks6cats_at_yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hey all;
> I know it's kinda hard to tell from the picture but we now have a
> foundation! Things should be more visable from now on.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Joy M. McCann
Proofreading, fact-checking,
Line-editing, and copyediting
Copy Write Editorial Services
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Joy Mary May McCann
"Bringing Mary Kay to the Intelligentsia"
818.429.9806 - 818.334.3113
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Joy W. McCann
Little Miss Attila Online Magazine
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Received on 2009-09-01 00:07:06