You are all cordially invited to the Ozzy Zoo on Tuesday, December 28 from 4:24 pm onward, for the first (and probably only) 24-hour party at said location. (My sons wanted to make sure they had plenty of time to play computer games with their friends and have invited them to stay the night. Since the parents are probably working it seemed reasonable to let them have a full day of work before picking up their kids again. And I thought it was only fair to extend the same courtesy to my own friends.)
Donations of foodstuffs will be most welcome (potluck) but are not mandatory, since most of you will also be coming from work. Please help me plan ahead - if you do not RSVP but plan to show up anyway, you'd better at least bring bottles of soda or some veggies & dip!
The party will officially end at 5 pm the following day.
Merry Christmas, Happy Solstice, Joyous Kwanzaa, Blessed Boxing Day, Average Festivus, and a happy New Year to you all!
--G.H. aka Debbie
Received on 2010-12-20 20:05:45
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